One thing you can count on when you are dealing with a staff of coaches is that they are going to prank one another. I remember when I was in high school the big basketball tournament was held at Tyler Junior College. Our team at that time was average at best. One of the coaches fixed up a fake TJC tournament bracket and mailed it to our head basketball coach. Panic set in for our head coach when he looked at who we were matched up with! Eventually he figured out after several phone calls that he had been pranked.

My second year of coaching my athletic director was a big jacked up guy who was tough as nails but he was deathly afraid of snakes. Sitting around in the fieldhouse one evening he told us that often after the rest of us left, he heard strange noises in the ceiling. He said he figured it was mice but it was kind of creepy. Our OC after hearing this, decided it would be funny to place a rubber snake half hanging out of the ceiling tile. The snake hung right outside the AD's office. That night he heard noises again and when he popped out to investigate he almost jumped out of his skin! Let's say he was quite mad for a few days!

I worked with a coach who told the story of this rather large coach on their staff that was always messing with them. He would put them in headlocks or would wrestle them to the ground and their wasn't anything they could do about it because he was so big and strong. They traveled to coaching school and roomed together. Three of the guys were hanging out and realized the big coach had gone to take a number two. So they got together and thought now is the time for payback. They thought they were going to catch him with his pants down...literally! So all three bum rushed him as he was dropping the boys off at the pool so to speak! The big coach didn't panic he just reached in the toilet and began slinging that number two! The three coaches were tripping over each other in retreat! And unfortunately they all took turd shrapnel!

A few years back we had a kid whose mom worked at Red Lobster. He was always promising to bring one of the coaches a tray of shrimp. So finally one day he did but that coach wasn't there at the time. I didn't care for shrimp so I didn't partake. When he returned the shrimp had been devoured by other coaches and he was fit to be tied. After complaining about it the other coaches didn't extend much sympathy. The leftovers stank up the coaches office and one of the coaches who enjoyed the shrimp decided to dispose of it underneath the toolbox of the coach who didn't get any! Shrimp doesn't smell good when its fresh but after a day or two you have a situation. Eventually he found the source of the smell and returned the favor to his fellow coach. He placed the leftovers inside his truck and hid it so well that the coach could not find where the foul smell was coming from. Well feeling bad he finally confessed and directed him to the rotten shrimp. We all had a good laugh and thought it was over.

For the next several days I noticed a really bad odor emitting somewhere near my truck. I just kept thinking boy somebody's truck really stinks! And I would look around and never found anything. Well about two weeks later I went to put gas in my truck and when I popped open the fuel door there was the smelliest, most disgusting shrimp on the planet! As I heaved there at the station and then had to clean this mess up I thought of every name in the book to call the coach that put it there.....and you know him as the Kerry Strong! To this day my fellow coaches get a good laugh about this...